Our services

Our services

1. Rent

  • mediation of rent whether you are a landlord who owns a property to rent or a tenant looking for a tenancy,
  • service Rent+. More about the service Rent+ according to the standards of The Real Estate Union of the Slovak Republic could be found here.

2. Sale

  • sale/purchase of a property, whether you are in the position of a seller who owns a property for sale or a buyer who is looking for a property to buy.

3. Valuation

  • real estate valuation is used to determine the value of real estate in inheritance proceedings, the settlement of the community of property in the divorce of spouses, the settlement of the community of property or before the sale of real estate.

4. Additional services

In addition to the services included in the mediation fee, we also offer additional services:

  • for lease: preparation of documents for the landlord’s registration with the tax office, inspection of the property to verify compliance with the terms and conditions agreed in the lease agreement, administrative assistance in extending the lease agreement or changing the terms and conditions of the lease agreement, etc. Price list of other services is available upon request,
  • on sale: deregistration of the seller from media subscribers, deregistration of the seller at the tax office in the case of sale of investment property, etc. The price list of other services is available upon request.

How should you proceed should you decide to offer your property to our real estate office:

  1. It is necessary to complete all documentation related to one’s real estate property:
    – a copy of the document on the acquisition of the real estate into personal ownership,
    – a current statement, suitable for legal purposes, from the land registry on the property being sold,
    – the ground plan,
    – copies of the land registry map (in the case of sale of a house or land).
  2. Contacting our real estate office – we will inform you about the conditions and possibilities of selling/renting your property through our real estate office.
  3. We will then agree with you on a personal inspection of your property – we prepare photo documentation, process the documents necessary for a classified ad and conclude a contract on the brokerage of the sale/rent of your property.

Documents required for the sale of real estate:

With the selling of a flat:
– a document showing the acquisition of the real estate into personal ownership (the original purchase contract, contract on the transfer of ownership rights, a deed of donation, an inheritance ruling, in the case of a newly built flat a valid approval decision, etc.),
– a contract on the management of the flat, a current statement, suitable for legal purposes, from the land registry on the property being sold,
– a copy of two identity documents for all owners (with the possibility of looking over the originals),
– a certification from the flat’s custodian regarding the fact that the flat has no arrears associated with the management of the flat and the building repair fund.

With the selling of a family house:
– a document on the acquisition of the real estate into personal ownership (the original purchase contract, contract on the transfer of ownership rights, a deed of donation, an inheritance ruling, etc.),
– a valid building permit,
– a valid approval decision,
– a document on a designation of a street number and orientation number for the property (in the case that the seller is also the building contractor),
– a current statement, suitable for legal purposes, from the land registry on the property being sold,
– a copy of the land registry map, (or a geometric plan, if the current state of the property is not recorded in the land registry),
– a copy of two identity documents for all owners (with the possibility of looking over the originals).

From 1.1.2013 is necessary to provide with energy certificate:
– at the selling or renting out the property (house),
– at renting out the flat, if the block of flats have the duty to have one (that applies for block houses not older than 7 years) or after significant renovation,
– at the flat sale, if the block house owners had arranged for one voluntarily.

With the selling of land:
– a document on the acquisition of the real estate into personal ownership (the original purchase contract, a contract on the transfer of the ownership right, a deed of donation, an inheritance ruling, etc.)
– a current statement, suitable for legal purposes, from the land registry on the property being sold,
– a copy of the land registry map, (or a geometric plan, if the current state of the property is not recorded in the land registry),
– a copy of two identity documents for all owners (with the possibility of looking over the originals).

Tax obligations with the selling of real estate:
Income from the sale of the property is subject to income taxes. Earnings from the sale of real estate are understood as the difference between the acquisition price and the sale price after deduction of costs – that is, expenditures associated with its sale.

With the fulfilling of specific conditions, it is possible to be exempted from taxes from wages:
– in the case of the sale of a flat or a home with at most two flats (that is, also family house) in which the seller had established permanent residence at least two years before the sale, or was owner of the property for more than five years before the sale, with the exception of cases, in which the seller had the property being sold included in business property and on the business accounts,
– heirs in direct line (grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter) to the extent within the period required for the exemption, also takes into account the period after which he or she had permanent residence or the permanent ownership of a guardian.

New law in force from 1.1.2011 canceled free tax from property sale for anybody who had permanent residence for more than 2 years before the actual sale. (paragraph 9/1/a of the Income tax law was abandoned). That does not apply to properties bought before above date, i.e. 1.1.2011.

II. How should you proceed if you are interested in buying property through our real estate office:

Should you decide to approach only one—that is, our—real estate office, it is necessary that you stay in contact with us. Upon first contact we will summarize your demands for a purchased/rented property. We will then conclude an exclusive brokerage contract. Afterwards, an intensive search follows on the part of real estate office and in cooperation with other real estate offices, based on your specific requests, and the arranging of inspections of properties. If you decide to buy/rent a property found through us, we will subsequently offer you complete service associated with the purchase/rental up to the moment of transfer of the property.

If you complete the inspection of your selected property and decide to buy that property, we will need from you some important information for the purchase of the selected property:

– your conditions for making the purchase,
– your ability to pay,
– your means of financing,
– conditions relating to your time possibilities and conditions for handling of the entire transaction, including the handing over of the property.

One condition for reserving your selected property is to conclude an agreement on the makeup of the deposit for the purchase price or a contract on a future purchase contract, with payment of a deposit towards the purchase price, which, if during the agreed upon time period you change your mind about the purchase, will not be returned to you. By signing a contract on a future contract, you have legally guaranteed the purchase of your selected property.

Risks, if you have decided to approach more than one real estate office:
– you will have to expend a great deal of effort in finding a suitable property, for example, in following new offers or classified ad magazines; be prepared for increased costs for telephone discussions, worthless inspections of properties, unreliable information which you’ll obtain about a given property, etc.